Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fallen Pt 6

Two foils flashed and flickered in the wavering florescent light, the blades cleaving tails of silver through the air. Whistling and whispering the slithered against each other, spun, and wobbled. then the tip of one darted forward and struck its wielders opponent in center mass.
the duel was over. For the moment. I took off my mask, saluted and trudged over to the water bench rubbing my chest.
Every single time I had been hit in the same spot and it was getting sore.
I took a sip of water and turned to Mr Diablos. What a name, right? Jacob Diablos. The Deceiver Devil. Wow. The guy was totally twisted. 
"You are progressing Hunter!" He said as I approached. 
 "I have only taken two lessons." I replied incredulous.
"You should have seen yourself in your first duel!" He countered jestingly.
I often had the feeling as we talked that we were in a verbal duel and that I was being bested.
It was my third day in captivity I was still sore from yesterdays workout. Next on the schedule was Boxing.
I hadn't figured out yet why he was training me. Was it so that he could then beat me in each of those area's he was training me in?
I f that was the case then I needed to learn as much as I could. Fast.
That evening I was in my room reading a book. I had gone around every part of the room looking for bug's. I hadn't seen any.  After waiting a bit I put down the book grabbed a pencil and slid under the table. I was drawing a map of the bunker or basement I was in. Whatever it was and wherever it was I was getting to know my way down it. I closed my eyes and counted steps. I was using a simple way of getting to know my way around blindfolded. I was counting my steps and for every five steps I would mark and inch. Five inches right turn. three inches. Left turn. That was the gym. I would be able to find my way out. I hoped. 
I could at least know where not to go. I also counted the guards I could see in those few short seconds before the blindfold was placed over my eyes, and where they were.
When I was finished I slid out from under the table and moved over to the wall. I removed the mirror on the back of the mirror I was drawing a second map. If Diablos ever found the one he wouldn't look for the other.
When I was done drawing my maps, I walked over to my cot. It was simply a platform attached to the wall by a hinge and two chains. It was the chains I was interested in. they were attached to the wall and the bed with eye bolts.
Mistake number one. the eye bolts were welded to the bed and embedded in the cement wall. the first and last links of the two chains actually like carabiners that had been welded shut. the eye bolts hadn't been welded to the chains themselves. I took the mattress off the bed and tested the metal slats until I found one that was loose. I sat down and started wiggling the bar, twisting back and forth.
When I had it out I would try and make a pair of nun-chucks. Or something.
The lights clicked off.
Looked like it was bed time.
But as I like to say, There's no rest for the Hunter.