Saturday, August 29, 2015

Fallen Pt 15

Farren was lying on the small cot crying. That horrible man had left him not fifteen minutes ago after asking him questions for a while.
Everything since he had been kidnapped was just too terrible to think about and he tried to shut out the fear that threatened to make him crack.
"Dear God help me!" he cried. "Send someone to save me God!"
The door opened and two guards walked in followed by a person in ragged clothes. "Sit down against the wall!" Hunter barked.
"Hunter!!!" Farren screamed.
He jumped up and rushed his older brother who was carrying two guns.
As Farren shot past one of the guards he snaked out his hand and caught Farren by the hair.
"Farren!" Hunter yelled, "Wait!" But it was too late. The guard had Farren by the hair and had whipped out a knife. "Make another mo-!" he started but Hunter had reacted almost as fast as the guard.
He threw the gun in the guards face hard enough to knock the man on his rear. The other guard jumped at Hunter, fist's swinging. Farren, finding himself released from his painful capture as quickly as he had been caught, stumbled to the door and ran out.
Hunter, reacting purely on instinct, kicked out straight at his new attacker and felt his foot connect solidly with the mans thigh. The guard grunted in pain and swung his fist at Hunters head. Hunter ducked and kicked the man in the groin finishing him off with a solid uppercut.
The other guard had recovered from his face full of gun and he lunged at Hunter and put him in a double arm bar choke hold. Hunter struck back and down with his fist as hard as he could. His fist connected and the guard gasped and for a split second Hunter could feel the pressure ease off his throat. He jammed his other hand under the guards arm as far as he could then heaved himself and the guard forward while ducking low. Both combatants feet flew over their heads. Hunter landed hard on the guards chest. The man grunted as most of the air was forced from his lungs. Hunter rolled over and jumped to his feet. In three steps he was out the door. He grabbed the door and slammed it shut. He rammed the bolt home locking the former guards inside their own prison.
Farren was hugging him and bawling. Hunter started to cry too.
"Farren," Hunter said as soon as he could, "What happened? Did they get the whole family?"
Farren just shook his head.
Hunter took a few moments to pray thankfully for the safety of the rest of his family. Then he took a deep breath.
"Ok Farren," he said. I need you to look at me. I am going to get us out of here, but you need to trust me ok?"
Farren sniffed, and stopped crying. He took a few deep breaths and then nodded.
Hunter smiled. He looked around at the tunnel and the doors all leading to different cells. They were apparently empty. He stood there for a minute trying to plan what was going to happen next. Where would they go? What would they do?
Why had Diablo, or whatever his name was, kidnapped them? What did the coordinates in the book have to do with all of this?
Hunter remembered something and grinned.
"Hey Farren," he said. "want to ride in a go kart?"

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