Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fallen Pt 7

I was lying asleep in my cot when the door to my cell was flung open and several masked guards flooded in.
"Stand up." one of them ordered.
I was forcibly dragged from bed, handcuffed, and made to stand in the middle of the room while they conducted a thorough search.
They ripped the sheets and mattress off my cot. My books and writing things were ripped and gone through and then dumped in a pile on the floor. I was searched for any kind of weapon.
Then someone removed the mirror from the wall. My heart sunk as the map was discovered. The guard that had spoken before said something into his Walkie-Talkie. A few seconds later Mr Diablos strode into the room looking wickedly pleased.
"Hunter" he said patronizingly. "is this the best you have? A map drawn on the back of the mirror. Really? It is good that you figured out how to do it but there must have been a better place to put it."
Motioning one of the men to hold up the mirror he inspected the map. Looking slightly impressed he glanced at me and grinned.
"Finish searching the room." he commanded. "Then beat him." He turned to leave but suddenly spun around and smashed the mirror with his cane. "I hope there is more to find because then I will have a reason to punish you more! Though come to think of it... I don't need one."
I swallowed. Doing my best not to think about the map on the bottom of the table.
Diablos stood there watching me for a minute then he smiled wide and said, "When a person doesn't want someone else to find something they look everywhere but where they don't want the other person to look!" My heart started to sink. He grinned wider. "Look under the table!" he said.
The guard stooped and glanced at the floor then got down on his knees to look at the underside of the table. When he stood back up he nodded at Diablos.
"Good!" Diablos exclaimed. "Burn all that can and don't replace it. Dispose of that table and don't replace it either. You may finish this up with out me."

Later that night as I shivered on the bare slats of my bunk, I grimaced through the pain. They had beat me, good. Karate and Fencing, if they were to be continued, would be extremely painful.
I planned. I thought about all the different ways I could try to escape. I didn't think Diablos would kill me, but after tonight... would he?
It didn't matter. I had to escape.

1 comment:

  1. I think you do a good job of keeping the corners coming. Well done!

    One thing you might do is explain how Hunter got the map(s), and of what they were maps of. Just questions that were nagging me!

    Keep 'em coming!
