Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fallen Pt 16

Workers threw themselves to the side as Hunter and Farren roared up the tunnel in something similar to an army Desert Patrol Vehicle. 
It was a three person, rear wheel drive, all terrain, souped up go kart.
There had been no keys in the ignition but Hunter had memorized the Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook section on hot wiring a car. The DPV was not that much different.
Farren clung to the seat as Hunter took a corner on two wheels.
"Where is the hand brake on this thing?" Hunter yelled. He accelerated for a straight away and glanced down to his right and left. "Oh, there it is!"
"HUNTER LOOK OUT!" Farren screamed.
Hunter started the turn, pulled on the handbrake, and spun the wheel in the opposite direction than the way he wanted to turn.
The back tires seized up and swung out in a long graceful arc.
Hunter smiled as he remembered the offensive driving and drifting lessons he had taken.
Releasing the hand brake he accelerated into the final straight stretch, He could see the end of the tunnel.
He was halfway there when something started to block the light. They were pulling a truck to block off the exit! Hunter shifted into the highest gear and stomped on the gas. It was a crazy game of chicken. Hunter steered to the left side of the tunnel. It was too big for the truck to completely block off but they followed his movements and drove the truck farther to the left. There didn't look like there would be enough room for them to pass. Hunter said a prayed and swung the wheel to the right. The kart zipped to the right and tore past the truck. The roll cage scraped across the rear of the truck creating sparks and a loud screeching. The right tires slammed into the wall and then hit a bump. The kart tipped up as the right side tires bounced from the massive impact. For a few fleeting seconds Hunter thought they were going to flip over but He had no sooner thought of seeing the Professional drivers drive on two wheels than he jerked the steering wheel to the left causing the inertia to slam the vehicle into the ground. The kart skewed sideways and then rolled. Hunter felt the harness bite into his shoulders and lap. When the dust started to settle he shook his head and saw that they were right side up. He looked at Farren and saw that he was unhurt. The kart was, miraculously, still running and Hunter gunned it, peeling out on the dirt and slewing back and forth until the tires caught. Then they were off leaving a hundred or so workers and a red faced maniac staring in amazement and fury. "Hunter!" Farren yelled. "Go left here! I saw a way out when we flew in!" Hunter drifted around the corner and then spotted their way out.
Something pinged off the frame above Hunters head and several gunshots were heard.
"They're shooting at us!" Farren yelled as the slouched as low as he could in his seat.
There was a truck with several men in the back chasing Hunter in his mad dash across the field.
"We are almost to that gate!" Hunter said with a jerk of his chin in the direction of a ten foot tall chain link and barbed wire gate.
He steered towards the gate and tried to get a little more speed.
The two vehicles raced toward the gate with the men in the truck firing at the two boys in the kart.
At the least second before impact Hunter jerked the handbrake again. The kart drifted in a 180 degree circuit. The driver of the truck tried to brake and swerve but he lost control and the truck started to tip. Men bailed out left and right as the truck rolled clumsily through the gate. The chain link sparked as it came in contact with the truck, but offered little resistance to the massive hunk of metal careening through it. Hunter Gunned the motor and peeled out in another 180 to drive through the now open gate. He maneuvered past the smoking remains of the truck and took off down the dirt road bullets plowing into the ground and ricocheting from the kart frame around them.
"I thought that gate was electrified." Hunter yelled. "Good thing we didn't hit it!"
"Did those men die?" Farren asked.
Hunter didn't answer.
He could hear another truck behind them. And could still hear gunfire although they were out of range.
The sun was setting so he flicked on the headlights.
Boom! Hunter and Farren jumped at the explosive sound.
A lucky shot had popped the rear tire. Hunter fought for control but the kart was going too fast. It slewed to the right and then the tires bit into the dirt road and Hunter and Farren were rolling for the second time in almost as many minutes.

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