Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fallen Pt 5, Flashback

I tossed a couple of paperbacks to the side of the big blue bin.
I was perusing one of the Goodwill Outlet book bins.
I loved digging through the book's, tossing aside the junk in search of a hidden treasure.
I had found several antique books this way.
Setting a 1944 edition of Captain Horatio Hornblower into my cart, I shoved a pile of paperback westerns out of the way, briefly considered a Clive Cussler, decided no and was about to leave when when I glimpsed the corner of a very old looking book.
Digging it out carefully I turned it over in my hands.
It looked very old and the title was worn off. The title page seemed to have been ripped out at some time as well.
The first thing I read was this familiar poem;
To the hesitating Purchaser,
If sailor tales to sailor tunes,
Storm and Adventure, heat and cold,
If schooners, Islands, and maroons,
And buccaneers and buried gold,
And all the old romance retold,
Exactly in the ancient way,
Can please as me they pleased of old,
The wiser youths of today:

-Then so be it, and fall on! If not,
If studious youth no longer crave, 
His ancient apatite forgot,
Kingston or Ballantyne the brave,
Or cooper of the wind and wave:
So be it also! And may I 
And all my pirates share the grave 
Where these and their creations lie.

It was the introduction poem to Robert Louis Stevenson's masterpiece, Treasure Island. 
I flipped through the pages debating if I should get it. I already had one copy.
I almost put it back.
Eight numbers jumped out at me from the middle of a page. Four numbers to be exact each two digits long. I stared at it. 
'No Way!' I thought, 'This must be uber rare!' I put it into my cart and walked up to the checkout.
As I pulled out of the Parking lot a few minutes later on my way to Winco, I kept thinking about it.
What had caught my eye was the place in the story where Captain Smollett tells Dr Livesy and the Squire that he has heard rumors that they were going on a treasure hunting trip and that the island was at a certain longitude and latitude. 
In the copy I had just purchased it included the latitude and longitude of Treasure Island!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This was awesome! :D I will definitely be watching for more!
