Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fallen Part 3

"Bring that in and set it here!"
The speaker turned on the light in the room, further blinding me.
I blinked for a few second letting my eyes adjust to the bright light. All the while I could hear a clinking sound. After a while the sounds stopped and the door closed again. I saw a table that had been set for a nice dinner, with china plates, glasses, and two forks. There was a man seated at the table.
"Please," he said with a grin, "Come and sit down. Eat! it is just time for supper!"
I recognized the man as the one I had bumped into the other day , or was it just this morning?
I sat down warily, eyeing the man.
He was about mid forties, slender, blond and had aquiline features. He was wearing a very expensive looking suit, and there was a cane, gloves and panama hat resting against a leg of the table.
I bowed my head and prayed, then started in on a delicious looking Caesar salad. The instant before I started eating I realized it might be poisoned. Sanity banished that thought.
'Why would they bring me here just to poison me?'
We eat in silence until we were done with the salad.
"Would you like some wine or a soft drink?" my 'host' asked.
"Just water thanks." I answered.
He poured a glass of water for me and opened a bottle of wine for himself.
"I think you will like the T-bone steak. I have an excellent chef. Sometimes he uses the strangest ingredients but always produces the Best dishes." My host chatted nonchalantly throughout the rest of the dinner. I couldn't stop thinking me sitting there eating an amazing dinner with a man who either kidnapped me or was a fellow prisoner. His next word settled that.
"I was surprised you have not attacked me yet. From your performance a year ago I would have thought you would have escaped my now!"
"I probably couldn't." I replied. "Besides, that cane is loaded."
"My cane?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yup. Sword cane if I am not mistaken."
The man chuckled and nodded.
"Now," He said as he stood up. "Down to business. We don't want your education to suffer while your here, so---"
"Wait!" I interjected, "Before that I have some questions."
"Well all right, what is on your mind?"
"One, Who are you? Two, Why am I here? And three, Where is here? Like you said we wouldn't want to let my education suffer! Educate me!"
He laughed at this.
"Educate you! Fine! Who am I? Well I am like all the villains in every novel written summed up into one! I am like Moriarty to Sherlock Holmes, Long John Silver to Jim Hawkins, and Sauron to Middle earth! I am the Arch Nemesis of All hero's ever. I am the Antagonist ! I have fun being to bad guy! I am the greatest antagonist ever! However that wouldn't do for a name, so you'll just have to call me, oh, Mr Jacob Diablos. As for your second question, Mr Greene, I have but one thing to say, Be Patient! Now as to you educa-"
"You don't wish to answer the third?"
 Diablos Grinned cruelly.
"Why you are in a stone cell under the surface of the earth! Moving on, you will have fencing lessons, lessons in any form of martial arts you wish, a math tutor, one also for English, French and Latin. I can have almost any book you want brought down here. I will supply virtually anything you need for many different activities."
He turned to leave then paused and slightly turning he added, "do hope you don't tire of our hospitality and try to escape!" The door opened and I glimpsed several men in black combat gear carrying large assault rifles in the corridor. A second later the door closed and ended the strangest meal and conversations I had ever had.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fallen Part 2

Nick crouched in the shadows waiting for the right moment. The guard yawned, turned, and started to walk toward Nicks hiding place. Nick gripped his club. He tensed as the guard drew abreast of him and then struck. The guard collapsed with a slight groan. The detective raced across the small patch of moon light and ducked under the wing of the airplane. "Lets see how much I remember from that flight book I read once' he thought as he slipped into the cockpit and buckled his seat belt '

'Yeah right!' I thought, that would never happen! I however continued to read as the hero of the book found a checklist and proceeded to fly the enemies airplane away, successfully escaping from a torturous death.

At the end of the chapter I marked my spot and set the book down. The whole house was REALLY quiet. My parents were gone on a short vacation, and my siblings were visiting our cousins. I was all alone in the house. I made a cup of tea and grabbed some cheese crackers and continued to read. I couldn't help thinking about the man in the store earlier. Something about him was strange. I couldn't really put a finger on it but he was...

It was then that I heard a noise. It was a very small kind of creak. Like someone stepping on a loose step or something. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I realized how creepy being in an empty house at night is. Then my world turned upside down... again.

In the space of about ten seconds three men blasted around the corner into our front room, two of them subdued me, the third pressed a wet cloth to my face. I tried to hold my breath but one of the men kicked me in the stomach driving it from my lungs. I gasped for a second and then as all went soft and warm. I realized that I hadn't fed our pet beta fish.

When you are drugged it is very much like fainting. The world constricts into a warm fuzzy tube, and then goes black. It isn't all that uncomfortable. Waking up however in a dark room with a headache is a different matter. There were no windows and it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I was laying on my back so I rolled over onto my stomach and waited for the pounding in my cranium to go back to a more tolerable level. I could feel stone flags and the air was damp and cold so I figured I was in a basement or something. Very slowly I crawled forward until my fingers touched a wall. I rested for a bit, straining my ears to hear the slightest noise that might give me a hint to where I was. My headache was subsiding a little, and I could hear slight noises. I listened for a while trying to make sense of them. questions circulated in my thoughts. Why am I here? Where is here? Is there a light switch? Is my family OK? Am I OK? are my kidnappers going to kill me? why did they bring me here? where is here? Over and over these questions and a hundred more whirled around until my headache started to come back again. "God I need peace! Help my thoughts to slow down, Help me not to panic. Thank you for keeping my safe so far! I have not been hurt beyond being drugged and dragged from my home. Please keep my Family safe!'

I started running through scriptures I had memorized, mostly from psalms.

Psalm 140:1, Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; PROTECT ME FROM MEN OF VIOLENCE.

118:5-6, in my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Instantly I thought of about twenty things man could do to me to harm my body.

I sat in the dark and prayed and remembered scriptures for an indefinite amount of time before I heard approaching footsteps, and then the door to my cell cracked open, blinding me with the light that spilled in.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Fallen Part 1

The coarse rocks grate my fingers. I can feel myself slipping. a pebble does the classic drop and bounces away down the cliff face. I never hear it hit bottom. The sound of shoes scuffing against rock reaches my ears. The sky is just starting to turn the first shades of sunrise pink. I wonder how I, a nineteen year old 'detective' finds himself hanging from the face of a cliff, while being hunted by several men. I guess God has a reason for it but I sure cant think of one. my fingers slip a little more and I try and imagine what it will be like falling and falling and then... A flashlight beam glows against the rocks above me. Voices are getting closer. my feet search for any kind of toe hold no matter how small. something crawls across my fingers and I instinctively want to shake it off. I don't. Then it happens. My fingers slide off the rocks slick with blood from being scraped in my wild flight. In books and such they talk about you past "flashing in front of your eyes". It didn't for me. Not all of it, only the past few days.

A single face is stamped in my mind. Funny, when I first saw it I really didn't think anything of it. you know how it is, a face in a crowd that seems to stand out for a second and then fade. But I would see that face often over the next few days and on it I would witness many emotions, but mostly cold almost unimaginable cruelty.

"Have I seen you somewhere before?" the checkout lady at Winco asked me.
"Well, I come here often." I replied.
"No," she said, "I think it was on TV or something. You haven't played 'The Price Is Right' 'Jeopardy' or the 'Wheel of Fortune' lately, have you?"
"Uh, No mam, I haven't."
"Oh! I remember now!!! Your that kid who caught all those crooks a few months ago, right? I saw you on the news! All by yourself you caught them, didn't you!"
"Well, kind of. I didn't really 'Catch' them as much as I delayed them."

I paid for the groceries and left the store. As I left, I bumped into a debonair man, scattering my groceries.
"Oh I AM  sorry, my good fellow!" He exclaimed, and started helping me pick up my things.
"No problem. It was my fault." I replied, as I picked up the last bag.
"Well then," He said, dusting off his hands "Au revior!" and with a smart salute he was gone.
"Thanks! I said to no one in particular. "Au revior? doesn't that mean til' next time or something?"

I wondered about that a second or two and then shrugged it off. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


A blog is usually a place for people to go and do one of two things. Show how great their life is or is not, or share information they think may be interesting or needed by some. This blog is different. The stories are not from my life but from my mind. My imagination.
God blesses each person with an imagination. It is to be used to Glorify Him. Some People squash it when they are young. Others have hours of fun with it, playing with their 'Friends', going on adventures in foreign places while never leaving the confines of their backyard. It has a dark side too though. It can become more appealing than real life, an escape for people who are not maturing or growing in their Spiritual life. Like all things in life it must be used with balance.

Every week I will post another chapter in a series of stories. Criticism and suggestions are not only welcome but encouraged. If you ever read a chapter and find something immoral or wrong PLEASE call me on it.

My object in writing this blog is first, to glorify the one and only God, who created everything in six days, who sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to earth to be born of a virgin, live a life void of sin, die on a cross , in doing so saving all who accept Him from the consequence of sin, death, and who rose from the dead after three days to stand at the right hand of the Father.
Second I strive to offer an alternative to modern fiction in which I am observing a rising level of objective innuendo's, and other negative elements.
And lastly I want to better myself as a writer through practice.

Soli Deo Gloria.