Friday, March 14, 2014

Fallen Part 2

Nick crouched in the shadows waiting for the right moment. The guard yawned, turned, and started to walk toward Nicks hiding place. Nick gripped his club. He tensed as the guard drew abreast of him and then struck. The guard collapsed with a slight groan. The detective raced across the small patch of moon light and ducked under the wing of the airplane. "Lets see how much I remember from that flight book I read once' he thought as he slipped into the cockpit and buckled his seat belt '

'Yeah right!' I thought, that would never happen! I however continued to read as the hero of the book found a checklist and proceeded to fly the enemies airplane away, successfully escaping from a torturous death.

At the end of the chapter I marked my spot and set the book down. The whole house was REALLY quiet. My parents were gone on a short vacation, and my siblings were visiting our cousins. I was all alone in the house. I made a cup of tea and grabbed some cheese crackers and continued to read. I couldn't help thinking about the man in the store earlier. Something about him was strange. I couldn't really put a finger on it but he was...

It was then that I heard a noise. It was a very small kind of creak. Like someone stepping on a loose step or something. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I realized how creepy being in an empty house at night is. Then my world turned upside down... again.

In the space of about ten seconds three men blasted around the corner into our front room, two of them subdued me, the third pressed a wet cloth to my face. I tried to hold my breath but one of the men kicked me in the stomach driving it from my lungs. I gasped for a second and then as all went soft and warm. I realized that I hadn't fed our pet beta fish.

When you are drugged it is very much like fainting. The world constricts into a warm fuzzy tube, and then goes black. It isn't all that uncomfortable. Waking up however in a dark room with a headache is a different matter. There were no windows and it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I was laying on my back so I rolled over onto my stomach and waited for the pounding in my cranium to go back to a more tolerable level. I could feel stone flags and the air was damp and cold so I figured I was in a basement or something. Very slowly I crawled forward until my fingers touched a wall. I rested for a bit, straining my ears to hear the slightest noise that might give me a hint to where I was. My headache was subsiding a little, and I could hear slight noises. I listened for a while trying to make sense of them. questions circulated in my thoughts. Why am I here? Where is here? Is there a light switch? Is my family OK? Am I OK? are my kidnappers going to kill me? why did they bring me here? where is here? Over and over these questions and a hundred more whirled around until my headache started to come back again. "God I need peace! Help my thoughts to slow down, Help me not to panic. Thank you for keeping my safe so far! I have not been hurt beyond being drugged and dragged from my home. Please keep my Family safe!'

I started running through scriptures I had memorized, mostly from psalms.

Psalm 140:1, Rescue me, O LORD, from evil men; PROTECT ME FROM MEN OF VIOLENCE.

118:5-6, in my anguish I cried to the LORD, and He answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?

Instantly I thought of about twenty things man could do to me to harm my body.

I sat in the dark and prayed and remembered scriptures for an indefinite amount of time before I heard approaching footsteps, and then the door to my cell cracked open, blinding me with the light that spilled in.

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