Saturday, March 8, 2014


A blog is usually a place for people to go and do one of two things. Show how great their life is or is not, or share information they think may be interesting or needed by some. This blog is different. The stories are not from my life but from my mind. My imagination.
God blesses each person with an imagination. It is to be used to Glorify Him. Some People squash it when they are young. Others have hours of fun with it, playing with their 'Friends', going on adventures in foreign places while never leaving the confines of their backyard. It has a dark side too though. It can become more appealing than real life, an escape for people who are not maturing or growing in their Spiritual life. Like all things in life it must be used with balance.

Every week I will post another chapter in a series of stories. Criticism and suggestions are not only welcome but encouraged. If you ever read a chapter and find something immoral or wrong PLEASE call me on it.

My object in writing this blog is first, to glorify the one and only God, who created everything in six days, who sent His one and only son, Jesus Christ, to earth to be born of a virgin, live a life void of sin, die on a cross , in doing so saving all who accept Him from the consequence of sin, death, and who rose from the dead after three days to stand at the right hand of the Father.
Second I strive to offer an alternative to modern fiction in which I am observing a rising level of objective innuendo's, and other negative elements.
And lastly I want to better myself as a writer through practice.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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