Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fallen Pt 11

The guard looked up at me, his eyes questioning. He was young and had his whole life before him. Or he he used to have it. He looked back down at the bright shaft of steel sticking out of his body.
"I- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I cried as the guard died in front of me.
Just then I saw another guard running toward us. He was coming to help his fellow. He reached out for the door knob. "No! Don't touch that!" I screamed but it was too late. Spark's flew everywhere when he turned the knob. I watched his body convulse and spasm as electricity flowed through his heart stopping it instantly. There was nothing I could do. Was there. I was soaking wet. I looked down at my hands and nearly threw up. they were dripping with...

My scream was choked out by a very large wave. I sat up so quickly that I smashed my head on a rock. As I lay on my back holding my hurt head in my hands I thought back to my dream. It was a dream wasn't it? I looked at my hands. They were covered in blood! I almost panicked when I remembered my forehead. I must have cut it when I sat up into the overhang. It really hurt. Crawling out to the water I washed it off as best I could. The salt water stung a lot but it was good because that meant it was cleaning out the wound.
It was night and I was freezing cold and drenched with spray. There was a tiny path that went up and around a corner of the cliff. I started up it very slowly since my legs were very stiff.
It wended its way up the cliff in a crazy zig-zag of switchbacks and steps. There were places where the path had fallen away in a cascade of rocks and debris in some past land slide. Those places were the hardest to get around and once or twice I nearly fell to the rock below.
After nearly an hour I crawled over the top wet, cold and hungry. There in front of me was a very large compound complete with brick buildings and a water tower. There were large floodlights all around the compound. There were people loading small packages into trucks and other driving he trucks into a large tunnel bored into the ground. What was in the bundles? Drugs? Diamonds? What was 'Mr Diablo' doing here? More importantly what did he need me for? Even more importantly than that even, how was I going to escape? A few seconds I heard a low rumble that sounded like a large explosion from a long distance away. What was that? Mining explosives? Could the packages be gold?
I sat there behind a small knoll thinking, planning, wondering and always praying.
After a few seconds I head another rumble. This one was not in the slightest the same as the first. It was the sound of a small airplane. A Cessna?  Piper? Maybe it was a kit plane. Whatever it was it was getting closer. I didn't see it until it was too late. Whoosh! Right over my head it zoomed. It was definitely a Cessna. It flew over the compound and disappeared behind the buildings. a few seconds later the engines stopped.
So there was a runway here?
A super crazy idea crept into my head. It could work. Or I could die.

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