Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fallen Pt 12

Farren was scared. He was more than scared though, he was terrified. Scared to death was nearly true. the night he had been kidnapped he had cried himself to sleep over the kidnapping of his older brother. The next thing he knew he felt a sharp jab in the leg. He tried to cry out but he couldn't barely breath. He woke up bound hand and foot, in an airplane. It was a small airplane with two seats in the front and two in the back. There were two men in black in the front. It was just starting to turn dawnish outside and Farren could see that they were far out over the ocean. After hours and hours of flying they mad a stop for fuel. When Farren looked out the windows he was shocked to see what looked like dry farmland. The air was dusty. They weren't at an airport but rather a private airfield. After they refueled the men got back into the plane and they took off again. Farren cried himself to sleep softly. He woke up and went back to sleep several times. soon after they took off they flew out over the Pacific ocean. He was just waking up again when he spotted land. It was a rocky cliff that greeted him instead a sandy beach. they flew in low over a compound. Farren noticed someone lying down at the top of the cliff. Neither of the men in the front did. He wondered if maybe he would soon see Hunter. Or were they going to kill him?
Then they landed and taxied to the the end of a small grass strip. the plane was covered in camouflage netting, and he was carried out. there were a few people scurrying around and they all looked Mexican or South American. A few minutes later he was thrown into the back of a truck which was driven into a large tunnel. He stared out the back as they were going down until they went around a corner. The truck stopped and he was dragged out and stood up. His clothes were brushed off and smoothed down and his hair was roughly combed. then a man carrying a can strode into the room.
"Hello there Farren!" He said. "My name is Mr Diablo. I am a... friend, of your brothers. He recently left us rather abruptly. We hope you will not be quite so eager to leave.!"

It had not been a good night for Sergeant Duncan.
It had been an even worse night for the Greene's.
The kidnappers had been efficient and quiet. Mr Greene had heard a slight sound a little different than the normal house at night creaks and sighs. He had grabbed his pistol and gone to investigate. When he got to the boys bedroom the window was open and one of the bed's was empty. He had rushed out the door but there was no sign of his son or his abductors. So he had called the police and then prayed. Like praying was going to help, thought the detective.
The window had been forced quietly and efficiently. There were no footprints or any other identifiers.
Again a professional job. "What have we got John?' Sgt Duncan asked hi deputy.
"Well sir, there were at least two people if not even three. One to distract the officer on watch and one or two to grab the kid. It looks like the best route they could have taken would have led to the park a little way off."
"On the opposite side of the back door neighbors yard. It's a little wildlife park with some woods and a walking trail. I was just about to go over there and take a look-see."
"Carry on then, and report whatever you see."
The sergeant stood for a moment deep in thought. Who would kidnap two people from the same family? Leverage? What did they want? Could the dad have a secret? Maybe something in his past would give them a clue. So far though it hadnt revealed anything. It could have been a revenge crime by the gangsters that the oldest had tangled with before. They had been too sloppy though. This wasnt their scope or MO. Maybe some of the friends of the family could give him some information. Tomorrow was Sunday, Maybe he would go to the church and see what the group was like. Talk to them. If they didn't know who he was then maybe they would be more open o his questions.
He would tell the Greene's to stay home under protective custody.
He grimaced. It would take a kidnapping to get him to go to church again. He was not looking forward to going tomorrow, but the best way to get an idea about somebody and what they are like is to look at their friends. That was all he was going to do.

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